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Winter Safety

Recent winter seasons have been severe and have taught many lessons regarding loss trends and steps that can be taken…

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  • Value Added Services


Daycare Centers provide a valuable family service to a community. Follow these steps to help keep your daycare organization safe…

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Risk Transfer

Why Risk Transfer? We rely on third-party organizations to deliver services and resources every day. This interaction creates a business…

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Active Assailant

Active Shooter Events Continue to Rise – Are You Prepared? Active shooter events in Las Vegas, Orlando, Sandy Hook Elementary…

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Responding to an Event

Unexpected emergencies can happen anytime, anyplace. While we can’t control when and where emergencies happen, being prepared can minimize property…

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Monitoring and Supervision

Quite possibly, the number one way to prevent any type of abuse is via effective supervision. Simply put, most offenders prefer…

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Abuse Training

Learn how to protect yourself and those you serve from abuse with these simple steps: Step 1: Read these resources…

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Abuse Policies & Procedures

Why are Abuse Prevention Policies and Procedures Necessary? Policies inform your staff, volunteers, participants, parents and the community on what…

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Special Events

Hopefully, the patrons of your organization’s special events feel as lucky as Charlie Bucket in Roald Dahl’s beloved Charlie and…

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