New York Labor Law
If you are a property owner in New York, it is important to understand New York Labor Law as it can affect your Association’s insurance and assets as well as your personal finances.
What is New York Labor Law?
New York State designates laws to provide specific protection to workers who are injured on construction worksites. However, worksites are not limited to ground up construction. Any building undergoing interior or exterior renovation is subject to New York Labor Law.
Claim Example:
Plaintiff was a contractor who was injured while doing painting work at the insured’s premises. He was using a makeshift scaffold which was rigged with a ladder in a stairwell landing and after falling from height, he fell down the stairwell. Plaintiff suffered extreme leg injuries and is totally disabled.
Case settled for $2M.
Sections of Labor Law applied: 200, 240, 241.
READ: The 3 Codes of NYLL and 8 Ways to Protect Your Organization
Step 1: Assess Your Current Risk on Your Contracts
Take the self-assessment on Contracts*
*Make sure you are logged in to proceed to the self-assessment